A resource-conserving production method requires a fundamental restructuring of today's production and consumption patterns.

In the light of the credibility of cinematic messages in moving image marketing, which regularly claim that the ecological footprint has been reduced, the conditions for the production of advertising films must also meet ecological standards.

We have therefore adapted the ecological standards of the "Green Shooting" work group for advertising.

In order to meet the standards, specific specifications must be observed in all production steps and in all areas of advertising film production: from the use and implementation of energy to accommodation, food and mobility for the crews and everyone involved. This is the only way to reduce Co2 emissions and resource consumption.

Our member companies show a great willingness to make their production methods more sustainable and environmentally friendly, but they need to close ranks with agencies and clients.

The catalog describes the individual standards that can be implemented and thus also serves as a guide for production. The scoring system for the standards help to check the measures and self-assessment.

Further guidelines in the form of checklists for the measures in the individual departments can be found under Documents and Downloads.